Monday, September 1, 2008

Bad Relationships You Could Be Having, Volume 1

Whenever a single friend of mine gets itchy about being single, bemoaning the fact that they are not with someone, I pull out a story from my archives of the Bad Relationships You Could Be Having, which are stories of some awful dates, relationships, or individuals that they could otherwise be involved with.

These stories make you more than happy that you are single. Because in this case, the grass is not greener. It is quite brown and dead.

This sort of therapy of being thankful for what you have is not for all the time. In fact, reading up about it can scare the mess out of you and make you never want to be involved in a relationship ever again, lest it turn out like those that have been written about.

However, if you need the therapy, I present a series of bad relationships you could be having.

If you want to contribute, all you need to do is create a blog (on LiveJournal, DeadJournal, Wordpress, or Blogger) and write a post, and then submit it on this nifty form and it will end up in the next edition.

If you want to host a future edition, drop a comment and let me know. We can work things out.

With all that said, I present: Bad Relationships You Could Be Having. Thanks to all the brave contributers.

To start us off, Dr Martin Russell offers an alternative way to deal with the "single itch".

Dave presents a story about his neighbors which will make you happy that you aren't in a relationship like they have. And if you are, please, reconsider how you communicate with your loved ones. Please.

Lily W wants to point our attention at the world of blind dates. If her post won't make you happy that you aren't trying too hard to find that special someone, nothing will.

Sarah wants to meet her Morning Boy, but there is a chance that this relationship was so bad that it was over before it even began.

Woman Tribune has a story about being the "other woman", forever.

Caterina Christakos wants you to be aware of the bad relationship type known as the "wise guy".

And finally, something form my personal archives, a story about a bad relationship with even worse timing.

Enjoyed reading these? If you want to contribute to next month's edition, all you need to do is create a blog (on LiveJournal, DeadJournal, Wordpress, or Blogger) and write a post, and then submit it on this nifty form and it will end up in the next edition.



Anonymous said...
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Lily W said...

Thank you v. much for liking my post! And a great post on bad timing ;-)

Sarah Lynn Knowles said...

fun round up. thanks so much for including my post!